Jamie Melissa Renwick

Jamie Melissa Renwick
Looking for great mystery/crime fiction?
The Theresa Maddux Mysteries.
Good natured, sarcastic and tough, Theresa Maddux, Reese to her friends, is a former Marine Corps Staff Sergeant hired by a unique client base to solve problems where all other resources have been exhausted. A self described Acquisition and Recovery Specialist, allied with cops and criminals, she skirts the edge of legality chasing answers regardless of risk or consequence. And sporting an unorthodox charm, an unchecked wit and a jackhammer talent for scrapping, she has an uncanny knack for producing unconventional results, some dangerous, others deadly.
Hard-boiled crime fiction set in the present day, The Theresa Maddux Mysteries on Trilobite Books include Green and Ghastly Deep, Gunmetal Blue Moon, Dawn's Blood Red Light, and Gray and Languid Grave Part. Novels to follow include Hail of White Hot Vengeance, Golden Silence, Gilded Cage, and Last Stand on Purple Mountain.
Green and Ghastly Deep was a good romp that had me guessing about some things right to the end. I can't say much more without giving away plot details so I'll content myself by saying that Renwick crafted some bold and unexpected turns in her story - you'll enjoy it.
Author Renwick hits another home run with the return of heroine Theresa Maddux. Espionage, murder, intrigue and the Maddux character go so well together. You'll be immersed with this hard to put down thriller. Can't wait for more Theresa Maddux!
The Gray and Languid Grave.
OMG! What an emotional roller coaster. You are a brilliant writer. Very rarely does a book make me feel emotional. This one did. Keep writing
Mike Parlow
Amazon certified purchase.
George Johansen
Amazon certified purchase.
Amazon certified purchase review.
Exceptional! A rare page turner!
Our heroine, Reese Maddux, and her father take the challenge of finding relatives gone missing. Mixing her brash and forward facing Marine Corps attitude she encounters her share of challenging situations and challenges. You'll want to make sure you don't have to get up early. You won't be able to put this one down.
Amazon certified purchase review.
An Adventure Series Worth Following.
Theresa Maddux remains a well developed character with a lot of grit... There is quite a buildup in suspense the story becomes a real page turner. The novel (Gray and Languid Grave) is as engaging as the previous and recommended for those readers who are fans of serious and compelling mystery genre.
M.M. Goddard
Amazon certified purchase review.
Without a doubt, in a different circumstance, Renwick's Reese Maddux series would be a NY Times bestseller...it has it all in spades! I read Baldacci, Flynn, MacDonald, Child and Renwick, to me, is right there with all of them for thriller entertainment! Anyone who enjoys thriller novels will not regret turning a Maddux page!
Roger Rioux Amazon certified purchase.


Jamie Renwick's work is available internationally, selling in the U.K., Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Americas. A top ten selling Canadian author, her blend of mystery/crime fiction has been mentioned alongside Michael Connelly, Stuart Woods, J.A. Jance and Lee Child.
Hard-boiled crime fiction set in the present day, Green and Ghastly Deep, Gunmetal Blue Moon, Dawn's Blood Red Light and Gray and Languid Grave are the first four books in the unmissable Theresa Maddux Mystery series. Novels to follow include Hail of White-Hot Vengeance and Golden Silence, Gilded Cage.
Recently retired, Jamie lives in Vancouver, Canada. For many years she wrote for local publications. An almost fanatical coffee drinker, avid mystery lover and occasional Comic-Con geek, she worked as a contractor with a variety of military organizations including Canadian Forces, U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps, where she began to develop the Theresa Maddux character.
Recent News

The Theresa Maddux Mysteries on Trilobite Books
As most know, Trilobite Books recently signed Jamie Melissa Renwick, author of The Theresa Maddux Mysteries, to contract. Excited about this new exclusive partnership, we will very soon release second editions of three Maddux titles, Green and Ghastly Deep, Gunmetal Blue Moon and Dawn's Blood Red Light, with Gray and Languid Grave and others to follow. Along with these second editions, a short Maddux origin story, tentatively titled Black Hearts and Violet Dreams, will be released. On the Books page of this website, readers will notice the new cover art for the first three novels. Stay tuned for more information. To receive more immediate news and updates, please subscribe to the mailing list on the 'Contact' page. We also encourage everyone who reads the Maddux Mysteries to visit the Trilobite Books website and check out Hamilton Jackson for his already published works, including the John Hunter series, The Atlantis Deception and Roswell, First Shot Fired.