Mastodon Mastodon
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Green and Ghastly Deep


Theresa Maddux's mother has been killed, murdered execution-style in what the police are calling a break and enter gone wrong. But Theresa suspects a darker motive and returns to her home town to discover the truth.

While leading her own investigation into the crime, Theresa discovers a secret long buried in her past, a truth stranger than any she could have imagined, one that will forever alter her life's path.

If she survives.

Gunmetal Blue Moon


Vancouver socialite Kathryn Swain is dead, her death ruled a suicide by police. But not everyone believes the official report. Reluctantly brought into the investigation, a private investigator and retrieval expert, Theresa Maddux uncovers a trail of extortion, espionage and murder stretching back more than three decades.

Discovering the true scope of the crime, Maddux must track down the killer before he eludes the law and escapes to freedom. She places herself squarely in his path, the only one who can stop him, the only one who can find justice for his hapless victims.

Dawn's Blood Red Light


Margaux Piper has been swindled out of her inheritance. All of it. With her mother languishing in hospital Margaux's unscrupulous husband Rowan, whose Gaugin-like fascination for young and pretty tropical women has finally taken possession of him, has funneled the money offshore and promptly vanished.

From the temperate rainforests of Vancouver, Canada to the tropical rainforests of Belize, Reese chases down the fortune and the man who stole it. But how to swindle the swindler and stay alive? Reese plans a con of the con-man, turning a simple grifter into a would be killer. And in the mix, she discovers the bloody and violent cost between fighting for the money and her life may exact a higher price than she can pay.

Gray and Languid Grave

Part I


Theresa Maddux’s kin are missing without a trace.

Failed by law enforcement, vigilante justice is all she knows.

With her father in tow, the pair find themselves embracing a dark and dangerous underworld.

Trapped by circumstance and a desperate will to succeed, Maddux is forced to battle her own demons alongside modern piracy, and a layer of humanity blessed with little conscience and fewer morals.

Descending into a rabbit hole designed to overwhelm the most stoic of veterans, she must run a rig of rampant persistence, pursuing a goal beyond her grasp and with little promise of anything beyond an eternity in the deep.

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